diam - bahasa Inggris
- diam: be quiet; bit the tongue; bite the tongue; bitten
- -: -; "
- diam: be quiet; bit the tongue; bite the tongue; bitten the tongue; bitting the tongue; dwell; held tongue; hold tongue; holding tongue; keep quiet; keeping quiet; kept quiet; pipe down; piped down; pipin
- diam!: silence
- diam-diam: in secrecy; on the quite; surreptitious; tacit; furtive; in secret; inwardly; on the quiet; softly; still; slowly; under the radar; quiet; implicit; gently; stock-still; quietly; restfully; implied
- berangkat (pergi) diam-diam: sneak off; sneaked off; sneaked out
- berangkat diam-diam: snuck
- dengan diam-diam: clandestine; collusive; covertly; cryptically; furtively; lifelessly; secretly; surreptitiously
- dgn diam-diam: quietly
- duduk diam-diam: sit quietly
- ijin dengan diam-diam: connivance
- keluar diam-diam: eased out; easing out
- masuk secara diam-diam: stealing into
- melarikan diri diam-diam: skin out; skinned out; skinning out
- memasuki ruang diam-diam: steal into
- The babies were supposed to be delivered covertly.
Bayi - bayi Dilahirkan diam - diam. - I know you secretly had the boat salvaged.
Aku tahu kau menyelamatkan Perahu itu diam - diam. - You have the right to remain silent.
Kau punya hak untuk tetap diam. - Tunggu, - And Tony would be more than welcome to a bunk-up.
Diam! - Dan Tony akan lebih disambut. - We're keeping this one on the QT.
Tuhan Memberkatimu Nak, Kami menjaga yang satu ini diam - diam. - Because of you, our Ji Heon
Siapa yang saat itu diam - diam pergi. - Shut up. - You want to fight son?
Diam - kau au bertarung nak? - Tell them to be quiet.
Katakan kepada mereka untuk diam." - Kau yang katakan.. - You gotta anticipate that rush.
Hei, diam! - Kau harus mengantisipasi adrenalin itu. - Yes, I saw him.
Bisa kau diam? - Kau benar, aku pernah lihat.